[1] Ang Zhang, Lin-Sheng Wu, Liang-Feng Qiu, and Jun-Fa Mao, “Steady-state electro-thermal analysis and optimization of multilayer boards and substrate integrated waveguide filters,”Int. Journal RF Microw. Computer-Aided Engineering, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 594-604, Sep. 2014.
[2] Guang-Cao Fu, Min Tang*, Jia-Qing Lu, Jun-Fa Mao, Thermal sensitivity analysis of on-chip interconnects,Electronics Lett., vol. 50, no. 11, pp. 797-798, May 2014.
[3] Fang-Xu Yang, Min Tang, Lin-Sheng Wu, Jun-Fa Mao, A novel wideband common-mode suppression filter for differential signal transmission, IEEE Electrical Design of Advanced Packaging and Systems Symposium, EDAPS, p 129-132, 2014.
[4] Z. Liu, Gao-Biao Xiao, “New multi-way SIW power dividers with high isolation,”Asia-Pacific Microw. Conf.,Sendai, Japan, Nov. 2014. (BestPaperAward)
[5] Liang-Feng Qiu, Lin-Sheng Wu, Wen-Yan Yin, and Jun-Fa Mao, “Lossy filter with uniform Q-factors by optimization method,”Asia-Pacific Microw. Conf., Sendai, Japan, Nov. 2014.
[6] Feng-Jun Chen, Lin-Sheng Wu, Liang-Feng Qiu, and Jun-Fa Mao, “A lossy triple-mode microstrip filter with flat passband based on nonuniform Q-factors,” Asia-Pacific Microw. Conf., Sendai, Japan, Nov. 2014. (best student paper shortlisted)
[7] Lin-Sheng Wu, Yong-Xin Guo, Liang-Feng Qiu, and Jun-Fa Mao, “A new balanced-to-single-ended (BTSE) power divider,”IEEE MTT-S Int. Wireless Symp., Xi’an, China, Mar. 2014.
[8] Liang-Feng Qiu, Lin-Sheng Wu, and Wen-Yan Yin, “A hybrid method for flat-passband filter with nonuniform Q resonators and predistortion,”IEEE MTT-S Int. Wireless Symp., Xi’an, China, Mar. 2014.